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Positive Behavior Support


“Positive behavior support” is a parenting skill that focuses on prompting and praising positive behavior in order to address a negative behavior. Research shows that human beings of all ages respond better to positive behavior being reinforced, rather than negative behavior being punished or criticized. There are several ways to implement this skill.


First, think about what behavior you want to see more of, rather than what you want to see less of. For example, you’d like to see your toddler using gentle hands rather than repeating at them to stop hitting. It’s much more helpful for children and teens to understand what they are supposed to do in place of what they are not supposed to do.


Next, practice making clear requests. Be sure to only make one request at a time, rather than asking the child to do several things at once.

“Please pick up your toys,” instead of, “Quit throwing your toys all over the floor!”

“Help me put these dishes away, please,” instead of, “Why don’t you ever help clean the kitchen?”

“Please use kind hands,” instead of, “No hitting your brother!”


After the request has been met, thank the child for their cooperation. Be specific with your praise so they know what behavior to continue!

“Thank you so much for putting away your books right when I asked!”

“That was so helpful when you put your backpack away!”


Making a small, simple change in the way you make requests of your child, from negative criticism to positive reinforcement, can have a huge impact on the well-being of your family life!

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Bismarck Main Office:

1701 South 12th St.

Bismarck, ND 58504

Tel: 701.751.0384

Fax: 888.901.7234

Valley City Office:

1284 W Main St

Valley City, ND 58072

Tel: 701.840.3566

Fax: 888.901.7234

TKTC Health & Wellness Center:

1421 South 12th St. 

Bismarck, ND 58504

Tel: 701.751.0384   

Fax: 888.901.7234

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