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Parent-Child Therapy at The Kid's Therapy Center

The relationship you have with your child lasts a lifetime. Sometimes as parents we may feel our child is not responding or caring about us the way we want them too and we would like to better this relationship.


Parent-child therapy is a mental health service for a parent and child (from birth - teens) where improvement of the relationship is the primary goal. There are many different models of how this may work. A therapist may allow for open discussion on the difficulties of the relationship and guide them to better their relationship or a therapist may have them interact with each other and provide the parent direction. Often the concepts of play or art therapies are suggested to the parent as a means of building relational strength.


A few of our models we apply:

Family First: for infants and parent

Filial Therapy


Family Check up




Bismarck Main Office:

1701 South 12th St.

Bismarck, ND 58504

Tel: 701.751.0384

Fax: 888.901.7234

Valley City Office:

1284 W Main St

Valley City, ND 58072

Tel: 701.840.3566

Fax: 888.901.7234

TKTC Health & Wellness Center:

1421 South 12th St. 

Bismarck, ND 58504

Tel: 701.751.0384   

Fax: 888.901.7234

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© The Kid's Therapy Center

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